Henry Phipps, Jr.
September 27, 1839 - September 22, 1930
Henry Phipps, Jr. was the son of an English shoemaker who came to America in the early part of the 19th century and lived for a time in Philadelphia before settling in Pittsburgh.
Henry Phipps grew up in poverty, and was a boyhood friend and neighbor of Andrew Carnegie. Like others of the SFF&HC, including John Leishman and Andrew Carnegie, Phipps began his busiess career as an office boy. He then became a bookkeeper. Phipps was a capable financier and served as Carnegie's business partner in the Carnegie Steel Company, which would make him him very wealthy, indeed, the company's second largest shareholder. At the time that Carnegie sold his steel business to the J. P. Morgan interests in 1901, Phipps was said to have made about $50 million.
Phipps was also a successful real estate investor and developer.
After the sale of his Carnegie Steel stock, Phipps set up the Bessemer Trust, named for the steelmaking process, in order to protect the inheritance of his five children. The Bessemer Trust is now one of three banks overseen by the Bessemer Group, whose clients include Phipps family descendents and other high worth investors. About $19 billion of assets are under their management. Grandchildern Howard Jr. (vice chairman of the Bessemer Board) and Anne Phipps Sidamon-Eristoff are among the trust's major beneficiaries. Mrs. Sidamon-Eristoff is one of the three copyright holders of Irving Berlin's "God Bless America." More than 100 fifth generation Phippses, including Guests, Mannings and Martins, share the rest of the fortune.
After the sale of Carnegie Steel, Henry Phipps devoted a great deal of his time and money to philanthropy.
On 6 Feb 1872, Henry Phipps married Anne Childs Shaffer, the daughter of a Pittsburgh manufacturer, by whom he had three sons and two daughters. Through the Childs family they are related to S F F & H C member H C Frick, whose wife was before her marriage Adelaide Childs. The Phippses had two daughters, Amy (Mrs. Frederick Guest) and Helen (Mrs. Bradley Martin), plus three sons, John Shaffer Phipps, Henry Carnegie Phipps, and Howard Phipps.
More about each of the five children of Henry Phipps, Jr.:
* * * *
1. Amy Phipps (1876-1959); in 1905 Amy married Captain Frederick E. Guest (1875-1937), who was both the grandson of the seventh Duke of Marlborough and also Winston Churchill's first cousin. (And thereby related by marriage to Consuelo Vanderbilt)
About their home in Palm Beach...
"White Eagle," was completed in 1918 at a cost of $1,102,000 and required a staff of 29 to look after its needs and those of Mr. and Mrs. Du Pont. Mrs. Du Pont, born Alicia Bradford Maddox, died unexpectedly in 1920. Upon remarrying, Alfred Du Pont sold the mansion in 1926 to Mr. and Mrs. Frederick E. Guest. Mrs. Guest, the daughter of Carnegie Steel Company partner, Henry Phipps, renamed the mansion "Templeton" when her husband, who was Winston Churchill's first cousin and the grandson of the seventh Duke of Marlborough, died 1937. When her parents gave up their Fifth Avenue residence in Manhattan, she had the marble entry hall and stairs removed to "Templeton." Upon her death in 1959, the mansion was passed down to her son, Winston Guest, who was well known as an international polo player.
More about Frederick E. Guest:
Frederick Edward "Freddie" Guest DSO (14 June 1875 – 28 April 1937) was a British politician best known for being Chief Whip of Prime Minister David Lloyd George's Coalition Liberal Party between 1917 and 1921. He was also Secretary of State for Air, 1921-22. Frederick Guest was the third son of Ivor Guest, 1st Baron Wimborne (1835–1914) and Lady Cornelia Spencer-Churchill (1847–1927), daughter of the 7th Duke of Marlborough. The Wimbornes were Conservatives who had been friends of Benjamin Disraeli, Earl of Beaconsfield. Frederick was first cousin of Sir Winston Churchill (1874-1965), son of Lady Cornelia's brother, the controversial Conservative politician Lord Randolph Churchill. In 1905, Guest married Amy Phipps (1873–1959), daughter of American industrialist Henry Phipps.
Guest's four brothers were also politically active, notably Ivor Churchill Guest, 2nd Baron and 1st Viscount Wimborne (1873–1939), a junior minister and Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. In addition, Henry Guest (1874–1957) and Oscar Guest (1888–1958) were Members of Parliament, while Lionel Guest (1880–1935) was a member of the London County Council.
Educated at Winchester School, Frederick Guest chose the military profession. After apprenticeship in the militia, Guest became (1897) an officer in the 1st Life Guards. He was sent to Egypt in 1900, was decorated for bravery in the South African War (served 1901–02), and rose to captain before retiring from active duty (1906) to become private secretary to his cousin and close friend, Winston Churchill, a junior minister in Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman's Liberal government.
In 1904, during the controversy within the Conservative Party over adopting protectionism, Guest and other members of his family followed Churchill into the Liberal Party in support of free trade—and perhaps also to accelerate their political careers. Guest attempted three times to enter the House of Commons before winning the East Dorset seat in the Jan. 1910 general election. Although unseated because of election irregularities by his constituency agent, he was reelected in December 1910. Known in the political world as "Freddie Guest," he was a popular backbencher, became a Liberal Party whip in 1911, the same year was elected a charter member of the cross-bench Other Club of political insiders, and was appointed Treasurer of the Household (Deputy Chief Whip) in 1912.
When W.W. I began in August 1914, Guest returned to active service as aide-de-camp to Field Marshal Sir John French (see below for additional family connection to French), commander of the British Expeditionary Force in France. Guest performed confidential missions for French, liaising with the War Office and with political leaders. Later (1916) Guest served in the East African theater and was awarded the DSO. After being invalided out of the army following serious illness, Guest resumed his political career. In May 1917 he joined Lloyd George's Coalition government as joint patronage secretary of the treasury, or chief whip for the Coalition Liberals. In 1920 Guest became a Privy Counsellor and in 1921 was promoted to Secretary of State for Air, a post he held until the Coalition fell from power in October 1922. In the general election of November 1922 Guest lost his seat but in 1923 was returned for Stroud, then in 1924 for Bristol North. After losing as a Liberal in the 1929 election, he rejoined the Conservative Party, and sat as a Conservative from 1931 until his death from cancer in 1937 for Plymouth Drake.
Freddie Guest was an amateur motor racing driver and airplane pilot. In 1930 he became deputy master of the Guild of Air Pilots, and master in 1932. He also played polo, was a big-game hunter in East Africa, and was a celebrated man-about-town in London and New York City society. Guest's wife—who was prominent as a women's suffragist, philanthropist and aviation enthusiast—owned valuable property in Long Island. The couple were frequent visitors to the U.S. in the 1920s and 1930s. Their two sons, who became American citizens, were Winston F. Guest (1906–82), a polo great, and Raymond R. Guest (1907–91), United States Ambassador to Ireland 1965–68.
The children of Amy Phipps and Frederick Guest:
- Winston F. Guest (1906-1982) AKA Capt. Winston Frederick Churchill Guest, U.S. Marines. Married 1934-1944 (1) Helena Woolworth McCann [children: Winston Guest and Frederick Edward Guest]; Married (II) Lucy Douglas "CZ" Cochrane [children: Alexander Michael Dudley Churchill Guest and Cornelia Cochrane Guest]. At Old Westbury is a painging by J S Sargent of Mrs. Phipps with her grandson Winston Guest...
Mr. Winston F. Guest's first wife Helena Woolworth McCann, the granddaughter of Frank W. Woolworth of Five and Dime fame...
"Remembering Woolworth's" 1999 by KarenPlunkett-Powell; Page 136 says...
"Frank's eldest daughter, Helena Woolworth McCann, lived a more sedate and gracious life. The McCanns spent much of their time in their country home, Sunken Orchard, located in exclusive Oyster Bay, Long Island. Helena and Charles also devoted much of their time to fund-raising events, and for a short period, Charles McCann served on the board of directors for the F. W. Woolworth Co. Helena died in 1938. Of her three surviving children, Frazier was a gentleman farmer in Connecticut; Constance married Willis Roseter Betts Jr., and Helena married Winston Guest, a well-known polo player. All of the McCann children were considered generous. In 1963, for example, Frazier and his sister, Helena McCann Charlton, were the major contributors of the Woolworth Center of Musical Studies in Princeton, New Jersey, which they named in memory of their grandfather. However, neither Frazier, Constance, nor Helena became involved in the F. W. Woolworth Co. business."
Mr. Winston F. Guest's second wife known as "CZ" was considerd in her own circle to be one of the most stylish women of the age. Here is an obituary tribute...
("The London Independent", November 10, 2003) STYLE, C.Z. Guest once observed, "is about surviving, about having been through a lot and making it look easy". Tribulation, it is fair to say, was not the characteristic most commonly associated with her gilded existence. But style she possessed in yachtloads. Through her rich and varied life - as skilled horsewoman, gardening columnist, fashion icon and noted beauty, and friend or relative to everyone from Truman Capote and Winston Churchill to the British monarchy - style was the constant. If New York society had a queen in the middle and late 20th century, it was her. She was born Lucy Cochrane, the second of five children of Alexander Cochrane, a wealthy Boston investment banker. To her siblings however, she was "Sissy", a moniker that quickly contracted to "C.Z.". Her course in life was quickly set. She came out in 1937, and two years later was voted "glamour girl" of the Massachusetts North Shore, and for a few years toyed with showbusiness - if only, as she later remarked, "to be a successful enough actress to get myself thrown out of the Social Register". By her own admission, her thespian talent was zero. Guest's looks however were more than noteworthy. She was an American classic along the lines of Grace Kelly, blonde, patrician and martini- cool. Her beauty, the writer Jill Gerston once noted, is indigenous to socially registered enclaves like Palm Beach and Southampton, a sporty, outdoorsy look that eschews make-up, hairspray and anything trendy. She has an outspoken, coolly self-assured manner and a throaty, well-modulated voice with a trace of a British accent.
The British aspect extended well beyond her looks. Her husband was Winston Frederick Churchill Guest - not only an international polo star and heir to the Phipps steel fortune, but also second cousin to the greatest scion of Britain's greatest political dynasty. Later the couple became close friends with the Duke and Duchess of Windsor, who became godparents to their two children. By the time of her marriage in 1947, C.Z. already seemed to know everybody. The ceremony took place at Ernest Hemingway's house in Cuba, with the author serving as best man. For more than three decades, until Winston Guest's death in 1982, she travelled the world with her husband, with a place by right in the great social salons of the day.
In her latter years she gained a new and different kind of celebrity, as a gardening columnist. From her youth, Guest had been interested in gardening, and to the Windsors she would dispense advice on matters horticultural. But after a riding accident in 1976, she turned to writing about gardening in earnest. A column for the New York Post (a rather downmarket outlet for so upmarket a lady) began in 1978. She wrote simply but authoritatively - a style evident in her best-selling First Garden of 1987, complete with illustrations by her "very dear friend" Cecil Beaton and an introduction by another "dear, dear friend", the author Truman Capote. There followed a children's book, Tiny Green Thumbs (2000). At its height, the column was syndicated in 350 papers across the United States. Over the years, C.Z. Guest on gardening developed into a minor industry, with its own website and branded accessories for the gardener who wanted a dash of elegance as well.
"A cool, vanilla lady," was how Capote described her, an image re- inforced in 1982 when she appeared on the cover of Time magazine, as emblem of American high society. The article sealed Guest into the national subconscious, part of an untouchable, eternal horsey set, clad in jodhpurs, patrolling a beautiful Long Island estate on shimmering summer afternoons, trailing handsome hunting dogs in her wake. Despite her death, the family's traditions are in good hands. Her daughter Cornelia in 1982 was anointed "Deb of the Year" by Life magazine, and "Deb of the Decade" four years later. Following in her mother's footsteps, Cornelia is an accomplished horsewoman, a minor celebrity and an indefatigable socialiser in her own right.
Lucy Douglas "C.Z." Cochrane, socialite and gardening writer: born Boston, Massachusetts 19 February 1920; married 1947 Winston Guest (died 1982; one son, one daughter); died Old Westbury, New York 8 November 2003.
The New York Social Diary obituary for C Z Guest may be found at:
She was often photographed by society photographers, for instance from 1947 by George Platt Lynes:
Down to the year of her death 2003, by Bruce Weber.
Mrs. Winston Guest and her son were subjects of a beautiful and famous photograph...
Slim Aarons' "The Good Life", Mrs. F.C. Winston Guest (CZ) and her son Alexander Michael Douglas Guest in front of Grecian temple pool on their ocean front estate, Villa Artemis, Palm Beach, FL.Courtesy: Staley-Wise-New York:
She also appeared on the cover of Time, on July 20, 1962, in riding clothes with her weimerimer in front of Westbury House, L.I.
- Raymond Guest ()
Here is more on Raymond Richard Guest...
Raymond Guest played in the Golden Age of Polo, when the best players in the world were amateurs competing for honor, glory and a good bit of fun. He, along with his immortal brother, Winston Guest, competed and excelled in all of the major high-goal events in the pre-World War II era. A perennial all-star in both the arena and the outdoor versions of the sport, he first achieved an 8-goal outdoor handicap in 1933 playing for his Meadow Brook Polo Club. As part of the famed Templeton team, he won the U.S. Open in 1932 and 1934 and the Monty Waterbury in 1931 and 1934. His defensive skills were legendary, and he was accorded the honor of playing Back for the East team in the legendary 1933 East-West series.
Obituaries on Raymond R. Guest's son and namesake...
NY Times, Published: April 19, 2001
GUEST-Raymond R. (Andy). Died of Lymphoma, April 2, 2001 at his home, Rock Hill Farm, in Front Royal, Virginia. He was born September 29, 1939, the son of the late Ambassador Raymond R. Guest and Elizabeth (Lily) Polk Guest. Mr. Guest attended the Pomfret School, and was graduated from Yale University in 1964. He served in the U.S. Marine Corp Reserve and spent his adult life farming in Virginia. In 1971, Mr. Guest was elected to the Virginia House of Delegates, an office he held until he retired in 1999. He served on the Committees on Conservation and Natural Resources; Agriculture; Roads and Internal Navigation; Appropriations; and Rules, and served as Minority Leader from 1986-1992. He was also a member of the Virginia State Crime Commission and the Virginia Industrial Development Authority. Mr. Guest served on the Board of Directors of Bessemer Trust Companies and Bessemer Securities Corporation. Survivors include his wife, Mary Scott Derrick Guest of Front Royal; three children, Mary Elizabeth Looney, Raymond R. Guest III, and William G. Yarborough III; three sisters, Elizabeth Guest Stevens, Virginia Guest Valentine, and Laetitia Guest Oppenheim, a brother, Achille Murat Guest and six grandchildren. In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to the St. Luke's Community Clinic, 842 North Shenandoah Avenue, Front Royal, VA. 22630, or Cunningham Chapel, Millwood, VA. 22646.
More on the same...
Outdoor sportsmen and Virginia's horse-breeding community had a strong and steadfast friend in state Del. Raymond R. 'Andy' Guest Jr. The 61-year-old delegate, who retired in 1999, died Monday after a long battle with cancer. During his 28 years representing Warren County at the General Assembly, the Republican Mr. Guest championed causes of pari-mutuel betting and of land and wildlife conservation.
"Andy devoted his adult life to public service," said Mr. Guest's wife, Mary Scott Guest. "He served his country, his state, his community and his family with honor, dignity and devotion."
He was "a steward of the environment," Gov. Jim Gilmore said, lauding the seven-term delegate for working "tirelessly to ensure conservation efforts remained a priority for the Commonwealth."
A banker and farmer by profession, Mr. Guest was a 1964 graduate of Yale University. He also served in the Marine Corps reserves and proudly sported a Marine Corps tattoo on his upper arm. First elected the House of Delegates in 1971, Mr. Guest was the Republican floor leader from 1986 to 1991. U.S. Sen. George Allen, who served with Mr. Guest in the House of Delegates called his former colleague a pioneer.
"He plowed the ground," said Allen. "He was a Republican when there weren't many Republicans."
Even as he faced down the then-overwhelming Democratic majority in Richmond, said Allen, "He wouldn't flinch from all the slings and arrows. He was one who loved the land and loved the people. He would stand like a stone wall for those principles."
One principle that made Mr. Guest so effective, speculated Alson H. Smith, was his ability to work with his Democrat peers.
"He was one of the most effective and respected members on both sides of the aisle," said Smith, a Democrat, who served the same region as Mr. Guest and who was a longtime friend. "There was no one in the Virginia legislature more effective at bringing [Republicans and Democrats] together."
Allen recalled that his first year as governor was also a pivotal year for Mr. Guest.
"The 1994 session was a physical and emotional roller coaster ride for the rugged outdoors-loving lawmaker. Cancer, first diagnosed years earlier in his lymph nodes, had returned. Without immediate treatment, doctors gave Mr. Guest little chance of long-term survival.
At the Medical College of Virginia Hospitals he underwent a grueling course of chemotherapy and a stem-cell transplant that left him weakened and vulnerable to infection.
Even from a hospital bed, Mr. Guest kept his mind on the assembly session across the street. He missed 35 days of the session but participated through absentee votes. He even sponsored four bills and a number of budget amendments.
His only complaint as he listened to the floor debates? "I can't holler back at 'em."
The real appeal of the session, Mr. Guest said, next to the privilege of serving his constituents, was that it never ceased to be "intellectually fascinating."
After completing treatment, Mr. Guest returned to the floor to an emotional show from his colleagues on both sides of the aisle. He served as co-chairman of the Conservation and Natural Resources Committee during his final assembly session in 1999. During that session Mr. Guest shocked his peers with a short, emotional retirement announcement from the floor of the House. "I don't know how to say goodbye and I'm not going to," said Mr. Guest with tears in his eyes. Other members on both sides of the aisle cried openly.
Mr. Guest is perhaps best remembered for his support of the 1988 pari-mutuel betting bill that made possible the Colonial Downs horse track in New Kent and four pari-mutuel betting parlors elsewhere in the state. The bill passed and was approved in a statewide referendum. Mr. Guest had sponsored similar legislation 10 years earlier. Both the bill and the referendum faced stiff opposition from groups opposed to state-sanctioned gambling. Said Mr. Guest of his critics: "Perhaps I have more faith in the individual citizens of the commonwealth than those who feel they have to act on [citizens'] behalf to protect them from themselves."
This was Mr. Guest's hallmark, that he had little patience for "nanny government," Allen said. "He was common sense."
Mr. Guest is survived by his wife, Mary Scott Derrick Guest; a daughter, Mary Elizabeth Looney of Middleburg; two sons, Raymond R. Guest III of Bradenton, Fla., and William G. Yarborough III of Asheville, N.C.; three sisters, Elizabeth Guest Stevens of Washington, Virginia Guest Valentine of Richmond, Laetitia Guest Oppenheim of Paris; and a brother, Achille Murat Guest of Fredericksburg. A funeral will be held on Wednesday at 11 a.m. at the Cunningham Chapel in Millwood, with burial following at the Old Chapel cemetery in Millwood.
- Diana Guest (1909-1996); was a sculptress/stonecarver and married three times, most often cited as having married Allen Manning. Here are her husband and children...
m1. *Marc Sevastopoulo
Marriage: 1934
Status: Divorced - 1937
Children: 1. Diana Lorraine Sevastopoulo
m2. Count Jean de la Valdene
Marriage: 1943
Status: Children:
1. Guy Winston de Gaillard de la Valdene
2. (Lorraine) Aimee de Gaillard de la Valdene
m3. Allen Manning Marriage: 1970
Here she is, on herself...
"I was born and brought up in the country in England. My parents, Amy Phipps and Frederick Guest, met in India and married a year later in London. They settled in a beautiful Queen Anne house near Oakham named Burley on the Hill. It was made of grey stone and stood on a high hill overlooking a forest of ancient trees and a series of fish ponds. There were all sorts of animals, from polo ponies to sheep. I had a Shetland pony named Togo to ride and a mare named Milk Maid to take us to the village every day in a tub-shaped pony cart. The woods were filled with bluebells and ferns and my brothers and I crawled down he rabbit paths. On moonlit nights, I used to sit on my window ledge and watch the rabbits play on the lawn below. Near the chapel attached to the house, there was a dog cemetery. Though I had my brothers, I was often lonely and greatly preferred being with my dog or on my horse than with my rather strict nurses or governess. I think this is why I instinctively carve animals and birds." (opening, Preface by Diana Guest, 1992).
Who says you can't go home again? Not Diana Guest. And certainly not Old Westbury Gardens, which is benefiting from the sculptor's attachment to one of her childhood haunts.
Born in England - her father was a Member of Parliament and her mother, Amy Phipps, was the sister of John S. Phipps, whose estate is part of the gardens - Miss Guest grew up in neighboring Roslyn, but ''spent so many happy hours as a child and young girl'' in the gardens that she remembers them fondly. Accordingly, Miss Guest, who divides her time between Paris and Palm Beach, Fla., and whose works have been exhibited in museums around the world, has donated 27 pieces of her sculpture to Old Westbury Gardens for an exhibition and fund-raising sale... (By BARBARA DELATINER; "Long Island Guide: On the Fly"; published: October 18, 1981)
2. Helen Phipps ( - March 26, 1934, Pasadena, CA) married Bradly Martin, Jr.
Herman B. Duryea built an estate in Old Westbury known as "Knole". In 1910 he sold the property to Henry Phipps who bought it as a wedding gift for his daughter Helen's marriage to Bradley Martin. Knole is a 40,000-square-foot brilliant Palladian-style mansion designed by Carrere and Hastings (who also designed the Frick Collection and The New York Public Library), in 1903 for Herman B. Duryea, Esq. Set on approximately 32 private acres of expansive woodland, cascading lawn and magnificent French and Italian gardens, this palatial, formal structure is an elegant, preserved architectural testament to the opulent lifestyle of the turn of the century’s American aristocracy.
In 1897, In the midst of a nationwide depression, the Bradley Martin Sr.s threw a "$1,000,000 goldplate" dinner which aroused the protests of pastors and reformers in 1910, a lavish party at New York's recently opened Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, where they had a suite decorated to look like Versailles. 900 guests, dressed in Louis XV period costumes, consumed 60 cases of champagne.
On February 10, 1897, just before the New Astoria addition to the hotel was opened, the historic Bradley-Martin ball was held in the Waldorf. No such splendid costume ball had ever been given, in this country at least, and the list of invited guests, between eight and nine hundred persons of the inner circle of New York Society, was long the roll of the élite, to be on which was a guarantee of one's social standing. A supper followed the ball and two hundred and fifty selected waiters were needed to serve this elaborate meal which began at one o'clock in the morning and lasted until five. Great secrecy was preserved about the preparations for the function, and, as it was rumored that a bomb had been placed on the steps of the Bradley-Martin house, the police took great precautions by scrutinizing each guest as he or she presented his or her card. There had been some criticism about the immense outlay of money being lavished on the ball, so Mrs. Bradley Martin announced that the reason she had given it was to provide work for dressmakers, florists and caterers, and that if the criticisms were persisted in she would move to England. This threat she not long afterward carried into effect.
Nov. 8, 1926 "Time" announced: Engaged. Henry Bradley Martin, son of U. S. Capitalist Bradley Martin, and grandson of the late Henry Phipps (steel); to Valerie French, granddaughter of the late Field Marshal French, Earl of Ypres; at London. ... Henry Bradley Martin a book collector and a grandson of Henry Phipps, died Saturday at his home in Key Biscayne, Fla., after a brief illness. He was 82 years old and also lived in Manhattan... (NY Times; April 26, 1988)
Bradley Martin and Helen Phipps were married in 1904. Their four sons were: Henry Bradley Martin (1906-1988), twins Esmond and Alastair Martin, and H. Townsend Bradley Martin.
(Bradley Martin, Jr.'s sister Cornelia Martin (? - May 19, 1961) married William George Robert Craven, the 4th Earl of Craven. That line can be seen at ThePeerage.com)
Here is the obituary of their son Esmond Bradley Martin:
Es died June 16, 2002, at his family estate, Knole, in Old Westbury, N.Y. He was a grandson of Henry Phipps, the Pittsburgh steel magnate and partner of Andrew Carnegie. He came to Princeton from Deane School in Santa Barbara. During his four years at Princeton, Es roomed with his twin brother, Al. Es majored in philosophy and was a member of Tower Club.
According to a NY Times article: "He had an astonishing mind, alive with dynamism and originality that knew no horizons." He was, among other things, a brilliant chess player, a discerning philatelist, a well-known orchid cultivator, as well as a collector of fine watches, books, and English antique furniture. He was a talented amateur tennis player, having once even bested Pancho Gonzales. For many years he was the world's fly-fishing record holder for Atlantic salmon. He excelled in his financial affairs, successfully wildcatting in gas, oil, and other investments. Es is survived by his brother, Alastair B. Martin; his daughter, Serina Martin Sanchez; his sons, Esmond Martin Jr. and Peter A. B. Martin; five grandchildren (including Carlos Esmond Sanchez MD born 1976); and three great-grandchildren, to all of whom the class extends its sympathy. The Princeton Class of 1938 PAW May 14th, 2003 (An inventory filed by the co-preliminary executor values the testamentary estate at over $33 million. However, it is also alleged that the decedent by his exercise of various limited powers under his mother's Will and a living trust agreement controlled another $120 million).
''We would prefer for Knole to be in the hands of a family that could live and use the house the way it was intended to, which is for a family,'' said Jorge Sanchez, Mr. Martin's son-in-law. Though her parents separated, , Serina Martin Sanchez, Mr. Sanchez's wife, spent most of her childhood there along with her brothers, Esmond Martin Jr., a world authority on the rhinoceros, living in Kenya, and Peter Martin, a painter and writer in the south of France
3. John Shaffer Phipps (1874 - 1958) the heir to the Phipps fortune and owner of Grace Shipping and (as were his brothers) a director of the U S Steel Corporation (now UXS). Known as "Jay", in 1897 he married Margarita Celia Grace, the daughter of Michael Grace of Kilkenny, Ireland, who, with his brother William, founded the Grace Shipping Lines in South America. John and Margarita had four children: John Henry Howard, Peggy, Michael, and Hubert Phipps. Phipps purchased an old 160-acre Quaker farm on Long Island where he built a large mansion designed by George Abraham Crawley with alterations by Horace Trumbauer called "Westbury House" with magnificent gardens that following his death was became a non-profit organization that today is known as Westbury House & Gardens and is open to the public. (Old Westbury House, was the residence, seen in the Hitchcok film "North By Northwest" as Mr. Lester Townsend' s home; today, the property is open as Old Westbury Gardens).
About the children of and Jay and Margaret Phipps:
- Margaret "Peggy" Helen Phipps () Time of Oct. 13, 1930 announced: Married. Margaret Helen Phipps, granddaughter of late Steelman Philanthropist Henry Phipps (died two weeks ago), cousin of Poloist Winston Guest, niece of Socialite Mrs. Bradley Martin; and James Gordon Douglas Jr., son of Mrs. Grafton Winthrop Minot of New York; at the Cathedral of the Incarnation, Garden City, L.I. Margaret subsequently married Etienne Bougner. Her home was "Orchard Hill" in Westbury, L.I. As Peggy Phipps Bougner she co authored Halcyon Days.
- Michael Phipps () married Muriel Lane. He lived in Palm Beach at the time of his death.
- Hubert Beaumont Phipps () married Carla Gordon and subsequently Lady Phoebe Pleydell-Bouverie. The children of Hubert and Phoebe are: Hubert Grace Phipps and Melissa Adeane Phipps. They lived near Marshall, Virginia.
- John Phipps () married Eleanor Klapp; they lived at Ayuvilia Plantation. Tallahassee, FL, at the time of his death.
4. Henry Carnegie Phipps (1879 - 1953) was a capitalist and real estate developer who built apartment buidings in Sutton Place, Manhattan. He married (1907) Gladys Mills Phipps (1883 - 1970), was an socialist, sportspwoman, Thoroughbred racehorse owner and breeder who began the Phipps family dynasty in American horse racing. Born in New York, Grace was the daughter of Ruth Livingston and Darius Ogden Mills (and the sister of Ogden Livingson Mills who served as the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury). Although an avid golfer and ice skater, she was first and foremost a lover of horses who brought the family into the sport of Thoroughbred racing in 1926 when she and her brother Ogden L, Mills established the highly successful Wheatley Stable. Their Long Island estate designed by John Russell Pope for William L. Stow, then owned by George Crocker, and remodled for the Phippses in 1918 by Horace Trumbauer was named "Spring Hill."
The children of Henry C. and Gladys M. Phipps are:
a. Ogden Phipps (November 26, 1908-April 21, 2002); in November of 1937, he married wealthy New York socialite Lillian Bostwick. He was a stockbroker, court tennis champion and Hall of Fame member, Thoroughbred hourse racing executive and owner/breeder, and an art collector and philantrhopist. During WW II, Ogden Phipps served with the US Navy. After the war he became a partner in the prominent brokerage firm, Smith Barney & Co. then used his training to head up Bessemer Securities Corp., the private holding company that managed the fortune left to Phipps family members by their grandfather. He was 93 years old when he died in 2002 at Good Samaritan Medical Center in West Palm Beach.
- - -
The children of Ogden and Lillian Phipps are:
- Robert L. Phipps ()
- Cynthia Phipps (born 1945) involved in Thoroughbred racing.
- Ogden Mills Phipps () known as "Dinny"; involved in Thoroughbred racing.
- - -
b. Barbara Phipps (1911-1987) married Stuart Symington Janney, Jr. (1907 - Sep 24, 1988) Stuart Symington Janney Jr., 81, one of Maryland's most prominent thoroughbred owners and breeders, was killed in an auto accident Sept. 22 after suffering an apparent heart attack. Mr. Janney owned and bred such racing stars as Ruffian and Private Terms after a steeplechase riding career that included four victories in the Maryland Hunt Cup. Not until this spring did he retire from riding. Mr. Janney owned the 370-acre Locust Hill Farm in Glyndon, Md., but he regularly would send his best mares to Kentucky for breeding. So it was that Shenanigans in 1972 came to foal Ruffian, etc... Their children include Stuart Symington Janey III (born Aug. 30, 1948; Resident: Butler, Md. ... Family: Lynn (wife); two children, Emily and Matthew). (Their niece is Allison Brook Janney (born Nov. 19, 1959 in Dayton OH); who played C J Cregg on "The West Wing.") S S and Barbara Janney Jr also have three daughters, Mrs. Rufus M.G. Williams of 3012 Butler Road, Glyndon, MD 21071; Mrs. William C. Trimble Jr. of Owings Mills, Md ...and [?]
The following is about the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William C Trimble, Jr....
NY Times... Published: October 30, 1988. The wedding of Margery Mills Trimble, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William C. Trimble Jr. of Owings Mills, Md., to Richard Bayard Kennelly Jr., the son of Mr. Kennelly of Claremont, Calif., and Mrs. Tevita Puloka of Nukualofa, Tonga, and Arlington, Mass., took place yesterday at St. Thomas's Episcopal Church in Garrison, Md. The wedding of Margery Mills Trimble, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William C. Trimble Jr. of Owings Mills, Md., to Richard Bayard Kennelly Jr., the son of Mr. Kennelly of Claremont, Calif., and Mrs. Tevita Puloka of Nukualofa, Tonga, and Arlington, Mass., took place yesterday at St. Thomas's Episcopal Church in Garrison, Md. The Rev. William Warwick Rich performed the ceremony. Regan Ralph was the bride's maid of honor, and George W. W. Packard was the best man. The bride was presented at the Bachelors Cotillon in Baltimore and graduated from the Garrison Forest School and Harvard College. She was until recently the head teacher at the Penn Wynne Day Care Center in Penn Wynne, Pa. Her father is counsel at the Baltimore law firm of Semmes, Bowen & Semmes. Mrs. Kennelly is a granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. William C. Trimble of Brooklandville, Md. Mr. Trimble, a retired Foreign Service officer, is a former Ambassador to Cambodia. She is also a granddaughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Stuart S. Janney Jr., who owned the Locust Hill Farm racing stable in Glyndon, Md. Mrs. Kennelly is a great-granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Carnegie Phipps of Westbury, L.I., who as owners of the Wheatley Stable in Westbury were leading figures in American horse breeding and racing. The bridegroom, who won a silver medal on the United States rowing team in the Olympic Games in South Korea in September, graduated from St. Paul's School in Concord, N.H., and cum laude from Harvard College. He was until recently a legal assistant at the Philadelphia law firm of Drinker, Biddle & Reath. His father is a private investor. His stepfather is a Methodist minister. The bridegroom is a grandson of Mrs. John G. Williams of Gladwyne, Pa., and the late Mr. Williams, who was a senior partner at Drinker, Biddle & Reath. He is a great-grandson of Arthur Edwin Kennelly, an electrical engineer who was Thomas A. Edison's chief electrical assistant and a co-discoverer of the E layer of the ionosphere.
Rufus M.G. Williams, Jr. is a self-Employed Artist residing at 220 South Street Rockport, Massachusetts.
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c. Sonia Phipps () married Herbert Farrell Jr of Sandusky Ohio, and subsequently Count Hans Christoph Scherr-Thoss of Dobrau, Silesia.
Following her brother's death in 1937, Gladys Mills Phipps inherited her parent's mansion at Staatsburg NY. In 1938, she gave the house and 192 acres to the State of New York.
5. Howard Phipps (1881 - 1981) married Harriet Dyer Price (1901-1981) in 1931. They lived at an estated on Long Island near the other Phipps family estates called Erchless. Howard Phipps (Sr.), a capitalist involved in real estate ventures was president of the Phipps Houses organization, dedicated to affordable housing in New York City . Harriet was a civic actavist and involved with the Girl Scouts; her mother and Julia Gordon Lowe (the founder of Girl Scouts) were dear friends and Harriet called Ms Lowe "Aunt Daisy". The Howard Phipps Foundation was established by Phipps' wife Harriet in 1967. Phipps was the youngest of five children of Henry Phipps, whose fortune was built through the ownership of Bessemer Steel. The Phipps family also owns the Bessemer Trust Co.
Among their children...
Howard Phipps Jr. (born 1934 ) maried Mary N. Stone in 1959; the following is about this Mrs. Phipps... "Everyone loved Mrs. Howard Phipps, for with all her pedigree of American-grand as you can get, she was a warm and friendly hostess, cheerful, enthusiastic as well as brimming with grace – the best flower in any garden. They came away brimming with nothing but kind words and wonder about not only the garden and the house, but especially the hostess." (The Social Diary, 10/2/03)
Their son Howard Phipps III married Terry Beesley, the daughter of J. Alan Beesley, the UN Ambassador from Canada. Their daughter Martha married Walter L.
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Henry Phipps believed that those who have achieved great wealth should give back for the public good and create institutions dedicated to that purpose. As such he was involved with a number of philanthropic causes, the best known of which is the Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens in Schenley Park, Pittsburgh, which was an 1893 gift to the city.
Other Phipps family members include...
Serina Martin Sanchez (b. 1948)
Carlos Esmond Sanchez, M.D. (b. 1976)
Among Henry Phipps' many benevolent works, he also funded the Phipps Institute for the Study, Treatment and Prevention of Tuberculosis at the University of Pennsylvania, and the Henry Phipps Psychiatric Service at Johns Hopkins Hospital, which in 1912 made possible the first inpatient facility in the United States for the mentally ill constructed as part of an acute care hospital. An advocate of decent housing for the poor, in 1905 he funded the non-profit Phipps Houses to build affordable housing in New York City. Still operating to this day, his great-grandson, Stuart Symington Janney III, sits on the Board of Trustees of Phipps Houses. (Note that the Syminton and Frick families are also related).
Henry Phipps was one of the pioneer investors in Florida real estate. At one time, he and his family owned one-third of the town of Palm Beach, 45 kilometres of oceanfront between Palm Beach and Fort Lauderdale, prime bayfront property in downtown Miami, and 12,000 hectares of land in Martin County. The Phipps family donated to the town of Palm Beach one of the most significant gifts in county history: an ocean-to-lake frontage property that is now known as Phipps Park.
Henry Phipps died 22 Sep 1930 at his estate "Bonnie Brink" in the Lakefield section of Great Neck, Long Island, survived by his widow, nee Anne C. Shaffer; two daughters, Mrs. Frederick Guest and Mrs. Bradley Martin, and three sons, John S., Henry C., and Howard Phipps. He was buried on Sept 24th at Westbury, L.I. (Protestant Episcopal Church of the Advent).
Rich Kids, by Barbara Klaw and Halcyon Days, by Peggie Phipps Boegner and Richard Gachot, chronicle the lives of the young Phippses